Follow Me

"Follow me." It's a simple phrase that most Christians are familiar with. But when done the way Jesus asks in Luke 9:23, "Anyone wishing to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross daily, and FOLLOW ME," it doesn't seem so simple anymore. 

Of corse this is something all believers in Christ want to do, but sometimes it's hard. Sometimes truly following Jesus is tricky, tiring, and even seems scary.  

As I was preparing to leave the country to start the journey God was leading me on, I was feeling many emotions. I was excited! I couldn't wait to see those familiar cute, tan, little faces I love! I was a bit sad. I didn't really enjoy telling all my friends and family "see ya in six months!" I was even a little scared. What would it be like all alone in a third-world country? I was scared of the unknown. What exactly would I be doing? What would I be eating everyday? Would I be able to make it with the little Spanish I knew?

And amongst all my emotions and uncertainties, God brought me encouragement through a story I was so familiar with. 

Matthew 14:26-31
"But when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were terrified, and said, "It's a ghost!" and they cried out in fear. But immediately Jesus spoke out to them, saying, "Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid." And Peter answered him, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” He said, “Come.” So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, “Lord, save me.” Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him."

In this moment I was Peter. God had called me to come, to step out and chase after the plans he had prepared for me. But, I let fear creep in, and for a moment I looked at the negative possibilities, just as Peter looked at the wind. For a moment I forgot that if I was following God's command, he wouldn't let me fail, just like Peter was obedient and stepped out of the boat.

God taught me two things this day. One, I had to stop looking with my natural eyes. All I could think about were the many "what ifs" we have in this Earth. I had forgotten that the God I served is not a natural, human being as I am. He does not look and think about things in the same way us men do. Unlike Peter, myself, and even you, King Jesus sees with spirt eyes. Meaning, when we look at a raging sea with thousands of waves and currents, we naturally think there is no possibly way one could walk on water. But God sees and thinks differently. He believes and thinks we can do such things. He even invites us to come and do things like this with him. So, I needed to see with my spirit eyes. You see, when you invite the Holy Spirit to dwell inside you, you too can do things our God can.

Second, I had to keep my eyes on the King. I had to remember Jesus had asked me to come to Nicaragua, to serve and love his people, and to proclaim his name. I just had to keep following Jesus. Of corse I could have been like Peter, I could have allowed fear to take over, and eventually sink me. I mean, I wasn't on a plane yet. I could have changed my mind and plans and said no. But, I didn't. I decided to keep my eyes on Christ, and pursue his plans. I remembered if I would just come, just try what Jesus had in store, I may like it, or even LOVE it! 

And here I am, in Nica, loving life! So, pursue what Christ has for you. Trust him with the small things, and even the things that take a lot of faith and trust. You may allow fear to take over, or change your mind, but Christ is always right there. He is waiting to pull you back up onto your feet and help you walk straight agin. I promise you, it will be well worth it!    


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