To the Little Ones Who Changed Me

Exactly one year ago today, I was boarding a plane and walking on American soil for the first time in about six months. I remember it was one of the most bitter-sweet days I had ever had; bitter because I was leaving precious souls miles behind, yet sweet because I was hugging familiar necks I hadn't seen in a long time.
Rewind to the summer of 2014, the summer right after I graduated high school. God provided me with a honest "once in a lifetime" opportunity, and I had the courage to say YES! For the next six months, I was serving wonderful children in the country which stole my heart-- Nicaragua. 

Fastforward, November 24,2014. That door in my life was shut, as I opened a new one which led me back home. Even though it is now over, the time I spent in Nicaragua still impacts my everyday life, for the better.

So, to the little ones who changed me, this is for you:

Thank you for having the patience to put up with the "gringa" who knew very little Spanish, little about your culture, and nothing about your daily life and routine. 

Thank you for your willingness to communicate through exaggerated hand motions and very slow speech so I would possibly be able to understand. Thank you for taking the time to look words up in the dictionary so I would have a better chance of understanding what you were trying to say.  Thank you for playing the "name that object" game with me until I finally learned what things were called. Thank you for looking past the funny way I said things, the way I butchered certain words, every time, and even when I used the complete wrong words. You are a great teacher! 

Thank you for the countless errands you ran for me. I appreciate how you served me while I was there to serve you!

Thank you for the endless generosity you poured out on me. It is because of you I learned how to better serve strangers. 

Thank you for welcoming me into your homes and lives. I'm grateful you opened up your heart so we could grow closer in friendship.

Thank you for teaching me to be thankful for what I have. It is from you I learned how to appreciate the small things in life. 

Thank you for showing me how to see and enjoy the simple things life brings us. And thank you for teaching me it is okay to sit back and take pleasure in the way things come. 

Thank you for encouraging me to try new things. You reminded me it is okay not to succeed at everything, but it is worth a shot.

Thank you for your bravery and courage. You showed me what it means to be fearless. 

And mostly, thank you for loving someone like me. I can't express how much every hug and kiss from you means. It is from you I truly learned what is means to "love others as Christ has loved you."

And thank you for letting me love you. 

"Gracias por todo," thank you for everything!


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