Artsy Fartsy

It's very difficult for me to adjust to the educational ways here in Nicaragua. If you've read my blog "A Closer Look at Nicaraguan Education",, you already know I don't have strong positive feelings for the school systems here. 

Growing up my two favorite times of the school week were music and art days. I loved taking a break from the academic side of things and allowing my creativity to grow.  

As I have been serving here for three months now, I have found several ways to add a little bit of "Cassidy's creativity" here and there. My favorite is fun day Friday. Each friday I prepare a Bible lesson or story and a corresponding craft.

We have two different classes divided by age, so I typically teach a different lesson to each class. My favorite art projects we have done so far are "the walls will fall" and be thankful.
Several weeks ago in our older group I taught about the Walls of Jericho found in Joshua chapter 6. I did a life application and disused with the kids how the tough situations in our life are like the city of Jericho. But, if we continue to seek God during those times he will help us through them. And eventually, just like the walls around the city, the restraints of our life will come to an end too. I had great conversations with the kids and was able to share a little bit about my life too. They seemed to enjoy it, and we finished class by making a reminder "the walls will fall" bracelet. 

I also enjoyed teaching our kids about being thankful in all situations. This is found in 1 Thessalonians 5:18. It is very easy in this community, which is laking in so many ways both material, relational, and spiritual, to accept the way of life with a constant complaing, begging, and unthankful attitute. We talked about ways we can be thankful and made a "be thankful banner" to display in the class room. Each child decorated a piece of the banner and wrote one thing they are thankful for on it. It's quite adorable I may add.

We have done other crafts such as model 10 commandments and crowns as a reminder that God crowns us with new life when we believe in him.

The kids seem to really look forward to Fridays, as do I. I believe art helps the kids remember the Bible story better and it definitely adds some fun! 

I also think it is important to allow the kids to expand and express their creativity, especially because the ability to do this in their public schools are very limited. Every public school has a E.C.A. class, similar to an art class back home, but as you can imagine resources are limited therefore restricting the projects kids can do.

Last week I was able to help one of our second graders with her art homework. It was about a 15 page packet of healthy habits coloring pages. She was to color each sheet and write a short paragraph describing what was happening in each photo. The girl, Julissa, was bored out of her mind, and after completing about 5 pages finally said she was going to finish it at home. 

Most of the homework and class work here is just busy work. I was able to ask one of our high schoolers what her art class was like and she said most of the time it is just drawing and coloring. She also added that most of her classmates don't enjoy the class. 

So for now, I hope to put a spark in our kids to enjoy artsy things, help them grow in their creativity and walk with Jesus, and add some fun to our class time! 


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